Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sweet Words to Say to a Girl

Saying Sweet Words to Her

Mindful, meaningful and aware observation of your love partner will leave you in more awe and wonder about her. That will arm you with several sweet words to bestow upon her. You'll have to dive in yourself to find pearls of love expressions. That will come through observation and awareness. Still wondering, how? Well, she comes to meet you in a nice dress and you're really smitten by her presence, as usual. Now, plainly, bluntly and habitually, you'll be inherently saying, 'Wow! You look beautiful'. She will certainly reciprocate with her ever charming smile.

But that won't be something unique and different from what you have been saying to her for months. So do you need to find synonyms of the word beautiful and replace it every time you say to her, 'you're beautiful!' Certainly not. As mentioned earlier, mindful observation will help you in such scenarios. Beautiful encompasses a wide range of body features. Be more specific, more detailed and more descriptive in your expressions. Romantic things to say to your girlfriend can stem by observing her beauty and even her persona. If she is wearing a new dress, you can say, "Wow, the dress looks pleasing on you, especially the ear rings are adding more beauty to it. And I simply love those high heals. The eyes are so expressive with those mascara. Had your hairs been falling upto the shoulders, I would have kissed you, right now. You're dressed to kill today and I'm killed, for sure". This was just a small example of how we can find more sweet words to say to a girl to compliment her on physical appearance. I mean, if you're good at observing, there are a hundred things to say to her about physical beauty or what you like in her.

Now you can't always and every time compliment on looks. In your bonding years, you can't keep focusing on the circumference only. A wise man has said, 'It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.' Some of the sweetest things you'll talk to her will be about the qualities you love in her. Why is she so precious for you? Well, there can be a long list of reasons, but there must be some very special pointers about her that really makes her the person she is. If you can only observe her closely, her personality attributes will reflect clearly. Anything from cooking a dinner to the way she performs in her office; all reflect the type of person she is. These are the areas you need to exploit. Write down three events that really impressed you about her. These can be anything like her promotion in the office, the way she handled a conflict, the way she drives the car or anything. No matter it is a small gesture, everything counts a lot. If she has got success in her work after a struggle and hard work, don't just congratulate her. Say what you exactly feel. If you really feel proud of her, step ahead and say, "I'm really proud of your accomplishments. I'm so amazed you're in my life".

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