Watch Online Free Kashmala Tariq Scandal Mms Clip
Kashmala Tariq the controversial MNA from Pakistan as seen here while enjoying her time abroad. She was on an official visit but ook the time to hit the beach and enjoy at Government expense.
Contraversy is nothing new to hyper-assertive Ms. Kashmala Tariq. Some say she
thrives on it. She has been starring up “trouble” since her days at Kinnaird College. Her stint in parliament has been full of gossip. A few years back he stirred up a storm on sex.
ex without wife’s consent rape: Kashmala
ISLAMABAD: Kashmala Tariq, a member of the NA Select Committee on Women’s Protection Bill, proposed that a husband having sex with his wife without her consent should be tried under rape
charges. Kashmala said at a Select Committee meeting that men should not have sex with their wives against their will. She said that married
women should not be treated like “buffaloes”. Kashmala told Daily Times
that committee members Mehnaz Rafi, Zahid Hamid and Wasim Sajjad had
endorsed her viewpoint. shahzad raza
Today Kashmala Tariq, is Pakistan contentiuous and mercurial parliamentarian. She has recently heated up the political environment as well. As a member of the PML-Q she is trying to lead a revolt against the seasoned politicians Mr. Faisal Saleh Hyatt and Senator Mushad Hussain. Capital gossip has placed her with Imran Khan and President Pervez Musharraf.
This is the official an inocous profile of Ms. Tariq.
Kashmala Tariq: (Profile by: Talha Abbasi)
The face above speaks volumes of Ms. Kashmala Tariq’s poise and
determination. She has gained prominence with her flamboyant and
outspoken attitude. Though not from a political or aristocratic
background, her approach towards the ill treatment of women of Pakistan
has won her a great deal of support. A kind soul, who has been working
day in and day out for the emancipation and uplift of women, and has a
promising and compassionate attitude for the masses. At a very young
age, she has achieved milestones. She has touched success at every
point and stage of her life. Married and a mother of a son, Ms.
Kashmala Tariq worked with her heart and sinew for standing out as a
shining star and a symbol of pride for the women folk of Pakistan.
Ms. Kashmala Tariq was born in Lahore on January 24, 1972. Her
educational background includes graduation from Kinnaird College for
Women, Lahore in 1991; followed by an LL.B from Punjab University Law
College in 1996 and LL.M from London School of Economics, U.K in 1999.
Leadership qualities are something innate in her. Throughout her
academic career she had been a ‘guiding light’ for her peers. Her
records prove that the name ‘Kashmala’ always signified confidence and
courage. She has been leading from the front, always. Kashmala,
confident lass at Kinnaird, finally made it to Punjab University for
her LLB, where she won a merit scholarship in 1992. After completing
her LLB, she did her LLM from London School of Economics (LSE), UK in
1999. At LSE she remained the President of the LSE Students’ Union
between 1998 and 1999. Being an active student member at LSE, her
leadership abilities blossomed and became more fine and unique. She
learnt new ways of dealing with multi-ethnic and multi-cultural groups
of people. This gave her a new insight, which is probably unique to her.
Politics has been her passion, right from the very beginning. She
was Secretary General of an Environmental NGO (Sath) from 1992 to 1995;
and has served as President of the Peoples Students Federation (PSF)
from 1993 to 1995. Her stay at Punjab University made her well-versed
with the political maneuverings and trends prevalent in Pakistan. This
exposure made her street-wise and helped her to go a long way in her
political struggle, later in life. At LSE she was able to lead the LSE
Students’ Union – an honor for Ms. Kashmala, indeed. During her stay at
LSE, she developed her political affiliations with ‘Pakistan Tehreek-e
Insaf – Imran Khan’s brain child’. For two long years i.e. 1998 – 2000,
she remained ‘Chief Organizer – Pakistan Tehreek-e Insaf UK’.
Ms. Kashmala Tariq’s political career did start in her student life,
but she joined mainstream politics when she was in UK and became Chief
Organizer of PTI. However, her affiliations with Imran Khan could not
last long. On her return to Pakistan, she joined PML (Q). As of today,
Ms. Kashmala shares her political school of thought with PML (Q). Ms.
Kashmala is known as a staunch supporter of General Pervez Musharraf.
She was also one of the few legislators, who met President George W
Bush on his trip to Pakistan in March, 2007. Ms. Kashmala has also
gained the trust of the PML-Q leaders for her unflinching support to
the regime of President Pervez Musharraf, on TV talk shows and on the
floor of the National Assembly.
Kashmala Tariq was elected to the Parliament in Pakistan on a Women
Reserve Seat in the Punjab Province. An ardent advocate of Musharraf’s
enlightened moderation theory; she feels a dire need of awareness and
education for the masses. Her political success has been scandalized,
quite a number of times.
Such events and occurrences have made her the darling of the
Urdu-language media. In spite of all odds, Ms. Kashmala has come a long
way in her political journey. Such minor hurdles come and go. There are
forces that oppose and forces that make you move along; it is how you
manage to fair well.
Ms. Kashmala has faired well, exploring a new world for herself and
for her fellow women folks. Her realistic and intelligent ideas have
made her a popular political figure at a very young age.
She likes travelling has travelled to Europe, Far East and U.A.E.
Her hobbies include Horse Riding and Swimming. She is a brave young
lady who has always loved dauntingly difficult tasks and interests. She
is vigorous and this very vigor is, arguably, her core competency.
On 8 Jan. 2008, when President Musharraf was in Multan to open a new PTV channel in Seraiki, president’s security entourage noticed that Secretary Information and Chairman PTV Syed Anwar Mahmood and MD PTV Yousaf Baig Mirza slipped out of their hotel rooms after midnight to spend time in a room that was not on the list of the officially booked rooms for the guests of the ceremony. Secretary Information and MD PTV thought no one knew what they were doing. What they do not know is that almost the entire Caretaker cabinet ministers or at least those who interact with PTV, came to know next day what was going on. Both gentlemen went to spend time with a young, twenty-something female anchorperson of PTV. Her name is Saadia Afzaal, is a divorced tall and skinny girl who joined PTV a few years back traveling in public transport wagons that ply the roads of capital. But now this young girl receives a monthly salary of Rs. 1,50,000 in addition to highest bonuses in the history of PTV for someone like her worth Rs. 1,00,000, and Rs. 5,600 as telephone allowance. Other newly hired girls, bimbos who don’t know wat ‘news’ is, have been hired for having great ‘assets’. Saadia Afzaal is getting all that money that belongs to the people All this to do a show on TV maybe 2 or 3 times a month. But obviously it is the private shows that really matter.
This is the true story of what is happening at PTV right now where people appointed by Chaudhry Pervez Illahi and President Musharraf have turned Pakistan’s so-called family channel into a ‘whore’ channel and where the news and current affairs department has become the ‘Boobs and Pussy Department’ where you cannot get job if you are a man. A woman can only prosper by using her body more than her mind or brain.
Employees of PTV of all ranks and file openly whisper about these things. You dont have to be investigator to discover these details. I have been first hand witness of what is going on and how a young Pakistani girl can’t progress in PTV without paying sexual favours to four horny bosses at PTV that included Secretary Information (now retired) MD PTV, Director of Current Affairs (DCA) and Chief Editor. All of them are still in their seats despite change of government except Anwar Mahmood who retired. Someone will say these types of things always happen everywhere. But in PTV Secretary Information and MD PTV never dared do this kind of things publicly and opanly. What made them now do it so boldly is the appointment of a professional ‘pimp’ to do the dirty job of hiring girls and sending them to government high-ups. This professional ‘pimp’ is Agha Masood Shorish, director of current affairs (DCA) at PTV News.
Shorish survived in PTV for five years without any knowledge in TV work simply because of his talents in procuring girls for key senior people. His father was an anti-Bhutto newspaper editor and he himself was appointed in this key position at state channel by none other than Chaudhry Pervez Ellahi and Chaudhry Shujaat Hussian who continually protected Shorish during their government. I am not sure if both of them also received sexual favours from Shorish and I frankly have no proof. They just appointed this man Shorish and then did not interfere. And then to survive without any real expertise in TV work or in journalism Shorish came up with a novel way to secure his job through pimping. He was doing it so discreetly over the past 5 years that no one at PTV really knew about it.But this all changed in 10 April 2007 when Yousaf Baig Mirza took charge as MD PTV. Baig has a reputation for womanizing. He is a relative of Shahbaz Sharif and was appointed as MD PTV during the government of Nawaz Sharif. When Parvez Musharraf seized power Baig was retained in his post by Anwar Mahmood another longtime secret womanizer. All three of them – Agha Shorish, Yousaf Baig Mirza, Anwar Mahmood – never practised their womanizing openly. PTV was clean of this dirt until April 2007, the month of the appointment of MD PTV. Secretary Information and MDPTV discovered that Agha Shorish was very bold and courageous in openly hiring and escorting young girls at his spacious PTV office. Shorish had no problem in having three or four young girls hanging around for hours in his office at all times. Employees coming to his office to sign papers were shocked at how these girls are so confident and freely order what they want, make telephone calls. KFC and Pizza Hut is ordered for them on PTV’s expense. When President Musharraf made his last speech at National Library auditorium in Islamabad before the elections, on 14 February 2008, Shorish walked inside the hall of the auditorium with four or five girls surrounding him. He arrived late and made sure all the senior government officials saw him parading his girls in front of the occupants of the front row seats.
Seeing how bold Shorish is, both secretary Anwar Mahmood and MD Yousaf Baig developed special liking for him. Through Shorish, both of them got passed many favours for their other ‘women friends’ in other departments of PTV whom they could not dare sign paperwork giving them favours. But thanks to Shorish, he was willing to sign any paper giving any favours to any female employee on the mere phone call of the Secretary or the MD without any questions asked.
As it became clear that the government of Gujrat Chaudhrys was coming to end, Shorish intensified his effort to ensure he was not removed from his luxurious seat by making his newly hired girls give special favours to the bosses, like the one he arranged on the occasion of the opening of the Multan Centre of PTV.
Shorish applied for sick leave on 7 and 8 March 2008. Everyone in Current Affairs Department of PTV was surprised that their head was taking a sick leave during an important live TV coverage for the president. Little did they know that he was busy arranging for some fun on the sidelines of the important event in Multan. This scumbaf Shorish spent the past five years not learning one thing about journalism or TV work. He just made maximum number of contacts and PR work. At one point, MD PTV was so annoyed by this that he banned Shorish from going to Presidency to shoot president programs because did nothing there except make new contacts. No professional journalist and proud Pakistani girl can permit working in this environment. Since April 2007 PTV current affairs has become den of sex when everyone in Pakistan was busy in judicial crisis PTV management was busy in sex. The management has been protecting the pimp and his other hired girls so much that regular PTV anchorpersons have started openly complaining. Most recently Saleem Safi a renowned columnist and anchor of the show Saleem Safi Kay Saath on PTV refused to work for PTV and do any shows as long as the pimp was around. He conveyed this directly to MD PTV and other seniors. But Saleem who cares about you. You don’t have a nice chest my friend. Also Ahmad Quraishi and Israr Kassana have resigned due to same reason. Kamran Shahid who is an excellent host has openly warned his bosses why they are giving special favours to girls while hardworking people like him get nothing. This is the result of 8 yrs of enlightend moderation.
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