Friday, December 17, 2010

We want UK Culture not Pakistani Culture

We want UK Culture not Pakistani Culture please don’t take this negatively. As we all know that we as a Pakistani likes to copy the western society rather then our own culture and religious traditions. And this is spreading to fast after the launch of media in Pakistan. Now days we see Pakistani boys and girls are too close in their friendship and we can see them every where walking around the streets holds each other hands and doing some nasty things. So where is our culture in Pakistan.

On the other hand when these Pakistani go abroad they seems to have adopted Pakistani culture more then they use to in Pakistan. The great example of what i am saying is in the picture below. You can clearly see in the picture of Pakistani bazaar in Lahore that a guy with her Girl Friend walking together holding their hands and without proper Islamic dress. While on the other hand you can clearly see in the picture that when Pakistani go Abroad they fully adapt Islamic traditions. So why we are not adapting our own culture in Pakistan where we have all the freedom and its Islamic state too.

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