Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prop 19

Prop 19: As we are only hours after polls closed in California, Proposition 19 appears to be a ton of attention in California and the rest of the nation and even worldwide. Prop 19 would legalize marijuana, and give the state another source of income through tax revenues. This is of course, if the federal government would allow the state to legalize drugs. Twitter, in particular, is lighting with people for and against the proposal. Every second of many tweets arrive with opinions on the vote. Here are just a handful of tweets lately, most of which appear to be in favor of Prop 19.

If you have not voted on the proposal 19 you voted against America
- I am not in California, but if I were I would vote for the proposal 19, - Prop 19 in California making essentially choose whether millions of dollars goes to nursery schools and hospitals, or drug traffickers. You decide
- Hey California, Prop 19 is greater than you. Please do the world a favor and show them the legalization is a rational

- Vote YES on prop 19. Support your rights
- I hope enough people in California voted yes to the prop 19 to legalize marijuana
- What if Prop. 19 passes while I'm in California. Should I celebrate accordingly?
- That the proposal 19 be adopted or not, legalization is now Mainstream
- Vote No. 19 on the proposal for the sake of your children
- Prop 19 May pass, but wont weed is still illegal in the mess of federal contracts federal / jobs / money coming to California?
It is clear that a majority of Twitter users are in support of the proposal, however, Twitter is demographically skewed towards young adults and even teens who are not of voting age yet. If Twitter is an indicator of the Prop. 19 would be fair, it certainly does happen, however, it probably will not.
Obama AG Against Prop 19 To Decriminalize Pot In California Video

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