Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oregon Election Results 2010

Oregon Election Results 2010: Rob Nou was elected the first sheriff of San Juan County again in 24 years Tuesday.

Namely, the police chief and former deputy sheriff in Oregon and Sergeant administration, received 4,113 votes to lead Detective Brent Johnson in 2183. County Auditor Milene Henley said, FM Nou had 64 percent of the vote and did not expect that to change.

Before the polls closed, Oregon Election director Doris Schaller said the 6941 .590 11 ballots sent out were received. She said that 6,822 of these ballots were handled and prepared for counting. If forecasts County Auditor Milene Henley turnout of 75 percent is true, then more than 1,751 ballots could be counted before the Oregon Election is certified.

The campaign was widely perceived competition between equals; Know and Johnson have served as administrative sergeant, wrote and administered by the law enforcement program, funded by grants, and were involved in their communities. Both have received approval from their department and the local media.

But Nou has been the board: he served as chief of the rural police of the city and director of the Centre County 911 Dispatch and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. Eight members have argued, saying he considered "avant-garde and progressive, allowing us to offer a sort of county police needs and desires in the future."

Know joined the department in the San Juan County Sheriff's that after four years as police chief in Burns, Oregon, and has 29 years experience in law, a majority of two, the administrative sergeant with the department Yamhill County, Oregon, sheriff. He managed or controlled by the programs of drug abuse, international traffic accident investigation team of road safety projects for the grant, and the police of the city.

Learn moved to Lopez Island in 2008 and worked as an EMT and Lopez Island Prevention Coalition. He worked hard to make themselves known to voters on the other islands, who describes himself as "a thoughtful, reasoned, and are willing to do the job."

Nou said the biggest concern expressed in his constituency, especially in San Juan and Orcas islands were related to drug use, particularly among youth.

"Another favorite question:" Are you moving to San Juan Island? "What he says he will.

Before the votes were counted, Nou said he was "very positive and comfortable" with the campaign he ran.

"I tried to put myself out there that people have the opportunity to choose (between the two candidates). Rather it is a largely unknown, they could become familiar with my background, my values and goals.

He had on his mind now that the Oregon Election is over? "Really big sigh

relief of the whole campaign is over with and done, ready to work for a smooth transition, "he said.

Nou said he will meet with Sheriff Bill Cumming to familiarize yourself with the budget, meet with key players in society, and meet with employees the best in the sheriff's office.

"I know who has everything, but as a deeper level, not really," he said, referring to what he was on Lopez Island. "I want to get an idea of what resources we do in the sheriff's office -. Interpersonal skills, aptitudes, basic education, special interests, objectives, and understand how to make a smooth and orderly transition "

Once he takes office he will begin a strategic planning process to develop a roadmap for the future "over the next five years." It should happen pretty quickly, "he said." One of the most important things is trying to establish good lines of communication within the organization. "

Johnson County police officer was held for eight years, is the coordinator of the Firewise, and is Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Veterans Affairs of the county.

Tuesday, Johnson was the treatment of routine tasks - among other things, to investigate the report of the barking of a dog - and said he plans to spend a private evening at home with his family.

He was happy to campaign and I know he has led.

"In recent League of Women Voters forum, people have approached me and said:" Thanks for the campaign, you guys put together. "One of the members of the League went to my car window and said:" I can tell you that the guys are not pretending. You were cordial to each other, and you could see that. "It was a positive campaign. We do not hate each other."

Johnson, a former police sergeant in Albuquerque, NM, who joined the department of San Juan County Sheriff in 2002, said he spoke with voters most concerned agencies of drugs and alcohol . "Furthermore, the idea of training and assessment, and professionalism in the department."

If elected, Johnson said one of the first things he intended to do Undersheriff Jon Zerby met and sergeants to develop a strategic plan for the department, assessment and preparation created for the coming year and to begin a review of standard operating procedures. The transition period will be spent meeting with the outgoing sheriff in the budget.

Returning to his campaign, Johnson said he has no regrets.

"We did a good campaign. We talked a lot of space. We have answered many questions. I hope people look beyond just what was said certain things. I think they have done. "

Johnson said the day of Oregon Election that he would accept the decision of the voters and work with the new sheriff. "We'll take what people say and go forward. We're going to do everything."

Sheriff elect will attend the National Assembly
Go to the sheriff's office will begin shortly after the Oregon Election.

Sheriff Bill Cumming, who has decided to retire after six members, said that he and his successor, will attend the annual meeting of the Association of Washington Sheriffsand Police Chiefs, 16-18 November in the resort Campbell's on Lake Chelan.

It is expected that the time between Oregon Election, and when his successor takes office will be a time of orientation. "I will be easily accessible. It will probably be in and out of my office, very often ... we will review the budget in detail how we arrived at specific numbers, what to expect. And I'm sure that will develop strategies on how to operate within that budget. "

The sheriff a four-year term and earns $ 97,514 per year. Sheriff manages staff employed full-time 36 and the budget of 2.3 million, which includes: $ 719,219, shipment, $ 472,888, improved E-911, $ 398.920, $ 209.615 in prison and Emergency Management.

For the future, his last day at work, Cumming said he expects a disappointing end to his mandate. "I may have to ask to go home.".

Tags: Oregon Election Results 2010, oregon election results, oregon elections 2010, election results 2010, oregon governor, oregon live

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