Thursday, November 4, 2010

Obama Press Conference Today

Obama Press Conference Today:Tuesday's election marks of BarackObama's real taste of defeat since its crushing defeat in a race for Congress a decade ago.


Obama has since led a relatively charmed life policies, while enjoying a series of thrilling victories. His election nights have largely missed the sting of the defeat of his opponents know it and the words "the landslide record" and "historic and decisive" accompanying its success.

But when he steps on the podium at a Press Conference Wednesday at the White House, Obama will face the worst setbacks he has had since he was a senator from the obscure, who have dared to challenge Bobby Rush, a powerful member of Congress from Chicago - and was given a double-digit loss.

Obama Press Conference Today, As the nation watches, the president will try to explain the acute rejection of his agenda Tuesday by an electorate which brought to power with a clear mandate in 2008, a historic event, the New York Times described as " a national catharsis. "

How does he react in the midst of defeat at this level, however, will be closely watched as an important political test could pave the way for his reelection.

"It has been down this road before," said Dan Shomon, who managed Obama's 2000 campaign against Rush. "There will be self-assessment. He does not like losing, but I think it will come out fighting. It's a competitive guy. "

Obama feels some responsibility for the losses that the Democratic president and party leader, and when he faces the voters - and the media - in the afternoon East Room on Wednesday, he will say clearly, senior officials said. It will also appeal toRepublicans and Democrats to put aside partisan campaigns and work together to support the struggling economy.

Obama Press Conference Today, The relatives of the president described as thereflection in the days preceding the election. He had spent much of last month on the road to campaign for Democrats and has continued to pitch his Tuesday radio interviews until the polls began to close. administration officials think it comes from the Democratic losses, even though they did not expect to be sufficient to keep theRepublicans to make gains.

"I think we've been able to bridge the gap enthusiasm and we made a strong argument," a senior government official said Tuesday. "We spent a long period of administration and a little time to campaign and we go tomorrow to the Board of Directors."

Obama spent most of Tuesday passing through the rigors of his job. He received his intelligence briefing in the morning and spent an hour with his economic team. He also held meetings in the hall of the White House situation, telephoned the president of Yemen, and congratulated the members of the World Series champion San Francisco Giants.

He watched the election results of the White House, and when it became clear the Democrats lost the House, he called the House John Boehner Minority Leader, who is poised to replace Nancy Pelosi as speaker , and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Senate.

"It is very positive. There is always, "said Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who remained in contact with Obama." There is always the calmest voice in the room, everybody Board [else]. "

To his allies, Obama is often the morale of these types of situations, encouraging staff dark to see the bigger picture. It was a role he played during his assistants were as described Durbin, "is preparing to jump from windows on tall buildings" after Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.

"Obama is calm, careful and descriptive," said a Democrat who has been in contact with the White House. "He steps back and analyzes."

Tuesday's results were not a surprise rebuke of the voters gave President Clinton in 1994.

Obama and his advisers had expected that they may lose the House in recent days, they were resigned to the possibility of significant gains Senate Republicans. Some of the closest advisers to the president and congressional leaders say they have planned a brutal election midterm since Obama took office 22 months ago, particularly because the political cost of health care reform.


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