Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 Election Results

2010 Election Results: As if we never close the 2010 election days, the fate of the balance in the Senate rests on several key elections. Although the Republicans should win many seats in the Senate and House of Representatives, Democrats still hope to pull a reversal is very close to key races in their favor.
Some of the races that remain too close to call, according to the pre-election surveys are those in Nevada, West Virginia, Illinois and Colorado. These statements will play a vital role in the general economy of things in the Senate to move forward in the second half of the mandate of Barack Obama to the presidency.
Below is a list of recent polls published today in many of these states where the election is still a draw:
Colorado Senate - Fox News / Rasmussen Poll-POR - Buck (R) drives Bennett (D) 50-46
Colorado Senate - Public Policy Voting - Buck (R) drives Bennett (D) 49-48
Nevada Senate - Fox News / Rasmussen Poll-POR - Angle (R) drives Reid (D) 48-45
Nevada Senate - Public Policy Voting - Angle (R) drives Reid (D) 47-46
Illinois Senate - Fox News / Rasmussen Poll-POR - Kirk (R) drives Giannoulias (D) 46-42
Illinois Senate - Public Policy Voting - Kirk (R) drives Giannoulias (D) 46-42
West Virginia Senate - Rasmussen Poll - Manchin (D) leads Raes (R) 50-46
West Virginia - Public Policy Voting - Manchin (D) leads Raes (R) 51-46
Of course, your voice counts, be sure to get out and vote for your favorite candidate, even if you live in a state with a race more lopsided.
2010 Election Results Leaked Video

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