Friday, October 29, 2010

OBAMA on Daily Show

OBAMA on Daily Show, obama on jon stewart, daily show, daily show obama, obama daily show, obama on the daily show

Obama sings F.U. Choir Jon Stewart on Comedy Central "Daily Show" tonight.

Obama will be the first president to appear on Comedy Central"Daily Show", appearing a few days before crucial elections mid-term that could reshape his presidency.

White House and members of the public were shocked to see Obama sing with Jon Stewart FU Choir during recording. Stewart and Obama were talking about the Tea Party and how the Republicans could take control of the House and Senate, then ... the music is coming and the chorus is mounted on the stage. President grabbed a microphone, the song dedicated to the Republicans and patriots Tea Party and sang ... "Go F * & ^ Yourself" again and again.

The audience loved it, but several White House staff and Secret Service agents, made a cardiac arrest.

The President liked to sing the song and promised to return during the campaign this weekend. NPR is also releasing a recording of the song with the title "You Forget".

The President also pointed out his car analogy again on the show. "These Republicans, they are like drunk drivers who have reached the car and now they want the car so they can get alcohol and driving on a highway going the wrong way and cause all sorts of destruction. "

"Why should I give the car keys to lunatics like that? These are the ones who pushed the car over a bridge and let the trapped passengers drown. What we need to do is ban them from driving at any and never have them in rehab. That's what we should do! "

"The president does not hesitate to go where people get their information and trying to make its case," the secretary of the White House, Robert Gibbs, told reporters Tuesday. And he likes to sing with the choir. He sang in the choir of Reverend Wright for five years. "

The president is a baritone, but he can sing tenor or alto range even in the - it depends on how much money it raises to a given function. Make sure you look tonightDaily Show on Comedy Central ... You do not want to miss this.

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