Friday, October 23, 2009

Ayesha Tennis Player At University Level

Ayesha is a postgraduate student in a UK university. She is from Pakistan. Studying in UK for last few years.
Ayesha is a good tennis player, she plays tennis at University level. There are four teams that represent the University in numerous regional and international competitions, Ayesha is member of one of these teams.
Ayesha’s hobby and passion is playing tennis. She says “Tennis may seem like a difficult game to master, but, as with many sports, if you break down the shots you hit in tennis into their basic forms, you will find that getting better
at tennis is not too difficult. In any sport, a targetted exercise regime will bring benefits. A tennis strength and conditioning programme should help bring greater energy to your shots and extra stamina, but without compromising your speed round the court or making you sluggishly muscle laden.

Your tennis strength and conditioning work needs to be designed so you can deliver power quickly and with force – and be able to maintain that over a long period of time. This means that once you have a good basic level of fitness any work with weights should be done with vigour – less weight and more dramatic repetitions will mirror what you do when you strike the ball.”

Ayesha can be find working hard on University campus while studying and working out in Tennis court. We wish you great success for your future!

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